Welcome to my site. here I plan to blog and share my art.I'm very new to coding so pls try to ignore issues this website is mostly for fun :3 (this website is still a wip)
*currently working on moar pages:3 *
Welcome to my site. here I plan to blog and share my art.I'm very new to coding so pls try to ignore issues this website is mostly for fun :3 (this website is still a wip)
8/31/24 new blog woowow
8/11/24 new blog/p>
7/30/24 new blog gggggggggg
7/26/24 new blog postt ;;.;;;;
7/23/24 new art+pakunoda shrine+ new shrine page
7/19/24 blog post + art gallery! :DDD
7/12/24 NEEW BLOGGG+ fixed website for phones :000
7/1/24 new bloggg
6/28/24 brand new layout woohoo!!!
6/26/24 NEW BLOG! :3
6/21/24 new blog entry :))
6/13/24 new blog entry
6/6/24 added shrines page+ monster high shrine
6/4/24 added blog page!
5/19/24 adjustments to home page
5/16/24 added about me page
5/13/24 created website
My name is chia! I'm the webmaster of mer-chia :D
I made this website to share my art and to journal. I've tried to share my art on social media but I find it hard to be consistent and easy to get burnt out. I found that making a website to share my creations is much more fun. I'm really bad at staying motivated to do something for I long time, but I will try to update this website for as long as I can.
if you want to know more about me read here!